Using Zydis® ODT to Solve Delivery Challenges for Tolerogenic Vaccines
Summary: Using Zydis® orally dissolving tablet (ODT) platform from Catalent as a unique delivery route for allergy immunotherapies.
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Proven Quality - Preventing Quality Issues During Drug Development
Summary: A growing number of drug launches have faltered at the final hour because manufacturing processes weren’t up to FDA standards. This webinar explores how drug developers can properly monitor quality throughout the clinical production process and fix any issues that arise—before the FDA brings out the red flags.
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Biologics By Mouth-Leveraging Freeze-Dried Orally Disintegrating Tablets
Summary: Learn more about the role of oral dose delivery for tolerogenic vaccines, fast dissolving tablets and biological APIs.
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Scale Up & Tech Transfer of Fluid Bed Coating Processes
Summary: This webinar provides an introduction and comparison of top-spray and bottom-spray fluid bed coating technologies and how to select the most appropriate technique to meet the target product profile.
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Executive Summary
Is My Molecule Suitable for an Orally Disintegrating Tablet?
Summary: While new drug products may benefit from ODT formulation beginning with product launch, ODT formulation can also play a role in life cycle management of approved products.
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Effective Scale-Up and Technology Transfer Strategies for Spray Dried Pharma Products
Summary: In this webinar, learn from real world case studies about best practices and strategies to mitigate risks and ensure a successful tech transfer from development through to commercial scale spray drying of pharmaceutical products.
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Pharmaceutical Outsourcing for Oral Development and Manufacturing
Summary: This eBook includes an overview of outsourcing trends in the oral solid dose market. Featured articles describe the robust market resulting from the demand for specialized dosage forms such as controlled release, pediatric and geriatric delivery vehicles.
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Offering Fact Sheet
OptiForm® Solution Suite Bio Capabilities Sheet
OptiForm® Solution Suite Bio is designed to rapidly screen biomolecules’ potential for a non-invasive delivery route.
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Article: Industry Trend: Examining the Emergence of Unit- & Bi-Dose Nasal Sprays
Summary: Molecules that are limited by a slow onset of action, a suboptimal side-effect profile, or a complicated administration process, may be good candidates for adaptation to a unit- or...
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Orally Inhaled & Nasal Drug Delivery – An Evolving Pipeline Creating New Opportunities
Catalent’s Carla Vozone discusses the significant inhalation trends including those in larger molecules and novel indications.
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