Zydis® - The Versatile Orodispersable Tablet (ODT) Technology
Summary: Since they were first launched in 1986, orally disintegrating tablets (ODT) have become an important part of the industry’s oral dose form toolkit. Based on current global growth trends, the ODT market is expected to reach $12 billion by 2018.* Zydis®, the ODT technology from Catalent Pharma Solutions, is a freeze-dried oral solid dosage, fast-dissolve formulation that disperses almost instantly. To date, more than 20 products in 60 countries have been launched with Zydis. Pharmaceutical Technology recently spoke with Rosie McLaughlin, director of Scientific Affairs, Zydis, Catalent, about the advantages of Zydis and its versatility in helping to treat a range of therapeutics areas.
*Orally Disintegrating Tablet and Film Technologies 7th Edition, Technology Catalysts